
Regional Council of Durres is implementing the Project Zero Waste, Nr.0060/2nd ,a project co – founded by IPA ( Instrument of Pre-Accession Assistance ) Programme of the European Union. In general terms the main objective of Zero Waste project is ‘Zero Waste in festivals end events.In order to realize the Project Objectives it is requested the provision of external expertise services for the following working groups of project Zero Waste.

External technical expertise

for implementation of WP3, WP4 and WP5.

Project Description

Events and festivals are an important element of the tourism offering, and an opportunity to increase tourist flows and offer a variety of entertainment opportunities for local residents and tourists, even outside seasonal tourism. In the Adriatic area, there are different events that attract thousands of people and, in turn, have a positive impact on the local economy. At the same time, however, these large gatherings produce an increase of water and energy consumption, together with a waste of food and various materials. Therefore, it must be stressed that events and festivals produce negative effects, too. A sustainable tourism policy can be achieved with the adoption of “green” actions to lower the negative impact on the environment caused by large gatherings, and to transform the waste originated by tourist flows into a new resource for local communities both from a social and economic point of view. The key to transforming waste into resource is to lower the waste produced at its source and to strengthen the recycling chain. The project indicates zero waste in festivals and events as o goal to reach. To this aim, ICT is a precious tool: ICT is considered by the project as a strategic support to face the negative impact of tourist flows by providing tools to public and private actors that organize, manage events and festivals. The Zero Waste project offers the opportunity to create a network of existing events and festivals in the Adriatic area, thanks to the adoption of green solutions through the use of ICT. Zero Waste exploits the results of experiences carried out by some of the partners on the reduction of waste in economic activities, and aims to benchmark the best practices with other partners – methodologies and actions included. Zero Waste is also a new cultural approach that, through the use of ICT, may favor the creation of new jobs and new skills in the recycling chain in the partners’ countries.


The project aims to create a “Zero Waste” Web-based network of events and festivals with a low impact on the environment. The assumption is to develop a jointly used ICT infrastructure to match environmental and tourist indicators with a new method for communities’ involvement and good practice solutions in the organization and management of events/festivals.


The primary function of Technical Expert is to support and create a sustainable management model contributing in production of Zero Waste Guidelines through exchange of experience.Support the Management Unit Zero Waste Project to manage Zero Waste events, workshops involving stakeholders to promote the project and Guidelines based on shared web application-services.He will identify crucial stakeholders and achieve signature of local agreements regarding the management of Zero Waste events, carrying out of events and award Zero Waste logo.She/he will create tourist packages to promote Zero Waste events and report explaining the positive/negative results of each activity and event.

Position / Name


Technical  Expert


Regional Council Durres ( as Final  Beneficiary) , Zero Waste Project


Split between the project management Unit Office at Regional Council Durres  and his Consultant  office



Project Manager Unit and to Project Partners leading special activities.


  •  Working experience in the projects specifically in the tourism field.
  • Being familiar with tourism environment in Albania.
  • Redact documents for Web updating with all specific visibility, accessibility and communication.
  • Creation of material, and high skills in English and Albanian Language.
  • Expertise in organisation and management of events.
  • Expertise in creation of tourist packages.
  • Have good management and administration capacities.
  • Have excellent public relations capacities.
  • Expertise in creating and methodology drafting.
  • Experience in market research field.

Key tasks


Model for the management of events.

  • A model for the management of events will be developed and implemented with cooperation of all partners of Adriatic area
  • A data base of local stakeholders and create system for involvement of them in Zero Waste events will be created.
  • The website will be frequently maintained and updated in collaboration with project partners.
  • A selection of events / festivals to be organized including motivations and best practices analyzes.
  • Contribution to the creation of  Zero Waste Guidelines cooperating with all partners of Adriatic Area.
  • Collecting/checking/translation information and documents relevant for the project.
  • Organization of international events (2nd MB meeting).
  • Organization of events/festivals and analyzes identifying where the waste is produced (supplying, logistics management communications).
  • Analysis and selection of indicators and data to assess the social/economic/environmental impact of events and festivals in local context.
  • Methodology to assess the impact, including logistic-organizational solutions for consumption of resources and identify saving recycling solutions.

Research and promotion

  • Local market researches to identify certified green suppliers and the existing welfare/charity NGOs.
  • Creation of a list of green suppliers and of welfare/charity NGOs and circuits of materials and recycle as results of the market research.
  • Collaboration to design and architecture the final release of the web application.
  • Organization of the thematic local workshops with stakeholders on promotional and didactical purpose.
  • Collaboration with partners of Adriatic area for the identification of creation of  Zero Waste logo criteria as a sort of brand to be applied to the Zero Waste events.


Networking with local stakeholders.

  • Agreements with public-private key actors that organize and manage the annual events or festivals selected in order to apply the Zero Waste Guidelines and Zero Waste  Logo.
  • The agreement will specify the guidelines, the aims, steps and time to apply the Guidelines.
  • Creation and promotion of tourist packages Zero Waste promoting the annual events/festivals. (Per each event).
  • Preparation of final report, analyzing, collecting data and information on the results of local events and festivals.


Scope of assignment

The expert has the assignment throughout the project duration.

Person kontakti :




tel: ++35552223795

cel: 0694035966 / 0666020003

The expression of interest must be submitted:

  1. By e-mail (keshilliqarkutdurres@qarkudurres.gov.aledlirapajuni@qarkudurres.gov.al, fatlummyzyraj@yahoo.com)
  2.  And/Or by mail sending it to the mail address: Këshilli i Qarkut Durrës,lAdresa: Lagja nr 2,Sheshi “Liria” Durres

The Programme is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA)

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