Dita përfundoi me një prezantim nga Elaine Negi nga Bord na Móna, e cila prezantoi Programin e Përshpejtuar të Gjelbër, duke shfaqur potencialin transformues të inovacionit të gjelbër në ekonominë e sotme.
Takimi LIM 4 lehtësoi një shkëmbim produktiv të ideve, duke rritur bashkëpunimin midis partnerëve. Pjesëmarrësit ndanë këndvështrime mbi forcimin e identitetit lokal dhe ruajtjen e trashëgimisë kulturore, ndërsa diskutuan praktikat inovative dhe mekanizmat mbështetës për sipërmarrjet lokale.
LOTTI partners and stakeholders gathered in Galway for the 4th LOTTI Interregional Meeting (LIM4) on the 25th and 26th of September 2024!
On September 25, 2024, the Irish partners of the Interreg Europe LOTTI Project, NWRA and WestBIC, welcomed delegates to Galway for the 4th LOTTI Interregional Meeting (LIM 4). Partners from Finland, Spain, Poland, and Italy came together at Platform94, while Discovery Partners from Serbia and Albania joined online.
The meeting commenced with remarks from Councilor Declan McDonnell, Leas-Cathaoirleach of NWRA, who highlighted the significance of collaboration among EU partners. Mary Ryan, Deputy CEO of WestBIC, extended a warm welcome to attendees, followed by a regional overview from James Donlon of WestBIC. Conall McGettigan, Assistant Director of NWRA, discussed the assembly’s role and its Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy. The morning session featured workshops where partners shared Good Practices, with feedback collected via Mentimeter to explore integrating these practices into the Interreg Policy Platform.
After the workshops, the day shifted to site visits. John Brennan, CEO of WestBIC, led a presentation on Platform94, previously known as the Galway Technology Centre. Established in 1994 by the Digital Task Force, Platform94 is a non-profit centre that supports scaling businesses in the West of Ireland, acting as a soft landing for multinationals. Since its inception, it has aided over 300 companies and facilitated around 3,000 jobs, significantly contributing to the local economy.
The group then visited Údarás na Gaeltachta in Spiddal, where Ultan Faherty welcomed them. This regional authority focuses on the economic, social, and cultural development of the Gaeltacht regions, home to roughly 70,000 Irish speakers. Údarás offers a range of services aimed at enterprise development, job creation, and the promotion of Irish language and culture.
The final stop was FeelTect, a local business in the GTEIC Innovation Centre supported by Údarás. Here, partners learned about FeelTect’s innovative solutions in connected health, specifically their advancements in wound care technology. By developing wearable devices that provide real-time data for managing compression therapy, they aim to improve treatment accuracy and patient outcomes. Údarás plays a vital role in supporting indigenous businesses like FeelTect while promoting the use of the Irish language to maintain the region’s cultural identity.
Day two of the LOTTI project Interregional Meeting kicked off with a steering committee meeting at PorterShed in Galway’s Innovation District, a dynamic hub designed to foster entrepreneurship and innovation. Dushyant Singh, the Programme Manager, shared valuable insights into the resources available for startups and highlighted local success stories.
Later, participants explored the BIA Innovator Campus in Athenry, gaining insight into their initiatives that support food businesses, including tailored programs and apprenticeships to prepare future professionals.
The day concluded with an engaging presentation from Elaine Negi of Bord na Móna, who introduced the Accelerate Green Programme, showcasing the transformative potential of green innovation in today’s economy.
The LIM 4 meeting facilitated a productive exchange of ideas, enhancing collaboration among partners. Participants shared perspectives on strengthening local identity and preserving cultural heritage while discussing innovative practices and support mechanisms for local enterprises.
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